by Katharine Ogden Michaels | Jun 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Speaking of buying my daily bread, food shopping in Italy was also a major part of my early (and continuing) linguistic training. My first apartment in Rome was on Via Goffredo Mameli, just below the Gianicolo Hill, on whose lofty heights, Garibaldi had valiantly,...
by Katharine Ogden Michaels | Jun 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
Between the summer Shakespeare class and the meeting at the Rome Airport, there had been all the years of chance and some not so chance meetings between Lenny and me. Thrown together psychically and geographically under the billowing, bellowing tent of the Berkeley...
by Katharine Ogden Michaels | Jun 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
I worked at BART, for five years, and during that time, I spent countless hours in meetings with Barclay–he in the role of elected official and me as the staff person representing BART’s interests in a steering committee made up of elected officials and staff...
by Katharine Ogden Michaels | Jun 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
On the day of my first personal encounter with BarclayI remember the sensation of walking out of the strong glare of mid-day sun into the gloom of his fine arts gallery, where the only window was the glass door on which I had tentatively knocked. As my eyes...
by Katharine Ogden Michaels | May 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s simple and it’s revolutionary. [Barclay’s] so-called “secret sauce” is pretty straight-forward: treat people well, give them a vested interest, pay them properly, support their kids, and make a community out of the business. Jennifer Chatman, Professor UC...